Thursday, January 13, 2011

What You Should Know About Earth Magnets

Earth magnets have been used for household and electronic appliances for the last forty years. These magnets are much more powerful than regular refrigerator magnets and are very brittle. Furthermore, the magnets are plated in order to make them even stronger. While some people call these magnets rare earth magnets, this is not an accurate name. Earth magnets are made mainly from two different elements and these elements are very common. It is simply because these magnets are so useful and needed that they are so expensive.

Some appliances that use earth magnets are roller coasters, speakers, computers, earphones and cordless appliances. Before earth magnets were discovered, these appliances were made using ferrite magnets (aka alnico magnets). Ferrite magnets are now rare and no longer in high demand.

Thanks to earth magnets, it has been possible to create small computers, laptops and netbooks. These magnets are used inside the computer hard drive; just how they work is very complex and difficult to explain. The simple, brief explanation would be that earth magnets have enabled computer manufacturers to create small hard drives that store the same amount of information that a large hard drive would be able to store.

Earth magnets are a necessary component in roller coaster machines. Thanks to earth magnets, roller coasters have gotten faster and more exciting. The Kinga Ka roller coaster operating by combining earth magnet technology and a hydraulic launch system. The result is a stunning roller coaster that can travel at well over a hundred mils per hour.

Earth magnets are extremely versatile. It is surprising to see how often they are used and how many appliances they can be used in. These magnets are an integral part of any speaker system. They help to power a number of cordless tools and give them a longer battery life than they otherwise would have. Those who work in the development of new products are researching for new and better ways that these magnets can be used.

Even though these magnets are used for powerful, important machines, one can not overlook their use as fridge magnets.
While most people do not appreciate the intricacies behind how a roller coaster operates or how a small new hard drive can hold as much or even more information as a older and larger model, everyone can admire cute, funny or beautiful refrigerator magnets. Earth magnets are not only extremely practical but also enjoyable to play with. Notwithstanding, it is breathtaking to think of how powerful and useful earth magnets are. Without earth magnets, the world would be a completely different place and many of the inventions that we take for granted now would be unable to exist or operate.

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